- All this blood no wound. 血迹斑斑却没有伤口?
- The right atrium relaxes to allow all this blood to enter; the weight forces open the tricuspid valve, the blood flows into the right ventricle, which is relaxed to receive it. 右心房舒张,允许所有这些血液进入其中;重力推开了三尖瓣,血液流入舒张受血的右心室。
- But of all this no hint had crept into his speech. 可这一切他丝毫不曾用言语透露。
- It'd be a pity if all this work went to waste. 如果所有这一切工作都白干了,那多可惜。
- All this toughness does not sit well with everyone. 所有这种强硬的做法并非人人都能接受。
- I'm fed up with all this argument. 我受够了这种争论。
- The Palace won't like all this gossip. 国王不会喜欢这些流言蜚语的。
- All this is so clear, it needs no explanation. 这一切都很清楚,不需要作什么解释。
- I wish you hadn't told me all this. 我倒希望你当初别把这一切都告诉我。
- All this is totally unnecessary. 所有这些完全都是多余的。
- Darn. All this horsepower and no room to gallop! 天呀,这儿有这么多车,没有路来飞!
- All this hard work is knackering me. 所有这些艰巨的工作把我累得筋疲力尽。
- You can't fly a kite if there is no wind. 要是没有风,你的风筝便放不起来。
- This blood brother keeps asking me for money. 这位黑人兄弟老找我要钱。
- Don't let all this praise turn your head. 不要让这些赞扬冲昏你的头脑。
- It's hard sailing when there is no wind. 无风难驶船。巧妇难为无米之炊。
- This blood helps him survive forever. 这血能助他长生不死。
- All this mountain climbing will toughen the boys up. 这些爬山运动会把孩子们锻炼得身强体壮。
- We swear to collect this blood debt. 我们誓死要报这血海深仇!
- All this points to the same conclusion. 所有这些都说明了同样的结论。